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Plant Disease February, 1983
Volume 67, Number 2

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Toward a Sensible Taxonomy of Bacterial Plant Pathogens. M. N. Schroth, D. C. Hildebrand. Page: 128 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Serologic Reaction of Virus Causing Mosaic of Cowpea; Pathogenicity: Coming to Terms with Another Term. Page: 129 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Why Soil Fumigation Fails to Control Potato Corky Ringspot Disease in Florida. D. P. Weingartner, J. R. Shumaker, and G. C. Smart, Jr. Pages: 130-134.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Soybean Stem Canker Incited by Isolates of Diaporthe and Phomopsis spp. from Cotton in Mississippi. K. W. Roy, W. A. Miller. Pages: 135-137 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Temperature-Influenced Growth and Pathogenicity of Cytospora abietis on White Fir. Robert F. Scharpf. Pages: 137-139 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Barley Yellow Dwarf in California: Vector Competence and Luteovirus Identification. F. E. Gildow, W. F. Rochow. Pages: 140-143 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Histopathogenesis of Galls Induced by Subanguina radicicola on Poa annua Roots. N. Vovlas. Pages: 143-144 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Fungicide Applications Based on Duration of Leaf Wetness Periods to Control Alternaria Leaf Blight of Cantaloup in South Texas. Claude E. Thomas. Pages: 145-147 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Development of Apple Scab on Fruit in the Orchard and During Cold Storage. J. R. Tomerlin, A. L. Jones. Pages: 147-150 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Colonization of Delicious Apple Fruits by Alternaria spp. and Effect of Fungicide Sprays on Moldy-Core. M. A. Ellis, J. G. Barrat. Pages: 150-152 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Chemical and Biological Control of Onion White Rot in Muck and Mineral Soils. R. S. Utkhede, J. E. Rahe. Pages: 153-155 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Efficacy of Sulfur for Controlling Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Sugar Beet. E. G. Ruppel, R. J. Hecker. Pages: 156-158 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Red Thread and Pink Patch Diseases of Turfgrasses. Jonathan D. Kaplan, Noel Jackson. Pages: 159-162 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Potential Impact of Sheath Blight on Yield and Milling Quality of Short-Statured Rice Lines in the Southern United States. M. A. Marchetti. Pages: 162-165 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Peanut Mottle Virus Epidemics in Lupines. J. W. Demski, H. D. Wells, J. D. Miller, and M. A. Khan. Pages: 166-168 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Nonsurvival of Sugarcane Rust at Meridian, Mississippi. Natale Zummo, D. M. Broadhead. Pages: 168-169 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Control of Postharvest Decays of Blueberries by Carbon Dioxide-Enriched Atmospheres. M. J. Ceponis, R. A. Cappellini. Pages: 169-171 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Combined Resistance in St. Augustinegrass to the Southern Chinch Bug and the St. Augustine Decline Strain of Panicum Mosaic Virus. B. D. Bruton, R. W. Toler, and J. A. Reinert. Pages: 171-172 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Laboratory Versus Field Response of Potato Genotypes to Oxidant Stress. N. E. De Vos, E. J. Pell, R. R. Hill, Jr., and R. H. Cole. Pages: 173-176 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Determination of Bean Root Rot Potential in Vegetable Production Fields of Wisconsin’s Central Sands. K. M. Kobriger, D. J. Hagedorn. Pages: 177-178 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Population Development, Reproductive Behavior, and Morphology of Race 4 of the Soybean Cyst Nematode, Heterodera glycines, on Resistant Soybeans. G. R. Noel, B. A. Stanger and P. V. Bloor. Pages: 179-182 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Bioassay Sampling Plan for Meloidogyne incognita. R. McSorley, J. L. Parrado. Pages: 182-184 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Comparison of Open-Pollinated Maize Varieties and Hybrids for Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in the Southern United States. M. S. Zuber, L. L. Darrah, E. B. Lillehoj, L. M. Josephson, A. Manwiller, G. E. Scott, R. T. Gudauskas, E. S. Horner, N. W. Widstrom, D. L. Thompson, A. J. Bockholt, and J. L. Brewbaker. Pages: 185-187 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Developing Fusiform Rust-Resistant Loblolly and Slash Pines. H. R. Powers, Jr., J. F. Kraus. Pages: 187-189 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Daminozide and Senescent Breakdown of McIntosh Apples. E. C. Lougheed, B. D. Ripley, and S.R. Miller. Pages: 190-191 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Dose-Response Relationships of Five Conifers to Infection by Conidia of Gremmeniella abietina. George W. Hudler, Guy R. Knudsen, and Mary Ann Beale. Pages: 192-194 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Drought as a Cause of Oak Decline and Death on the South Carolina Coast. F. H. Tainter, T. M. Williams, and J. B. Cody. Pages: 195-197 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Virulence of Puccinia coronata in Relation to Available Genes for Resistance in Oats. L. J. Michel, M. D. Simons. Pages: 197-200 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Chemical Control of Longidorus elongatus on Peppermint with Nonvolatile Nematicides. J. N. Pinkerton, H. J. Jensen. Pages: 201-203 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Control of Tobacco Black Shank with Combinations of Systemic Fungicides and Nematicides or Fumigants. A. S. Csinos, N. A. Minton. Pages: 204-207 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Reciprocal Contact Transmission of Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Between Wild Oats and Barley. Arthur W. Chiko. Pages: 207-208 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Resistance to Peanut Rust in Wild Arachis Species. P. Subrahmanyam, J. P. Moss, and V. R. Rao. Pages: 209-212 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Control of Foliar Diseases with Epidermal Coating Materials. Oded Ziv, R. A. Frederiksen. Pages: 212-214 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effects of Comandra Blister Rust and Dwarf Mistletoe on Cone and Seed Production of Lodgepole Pine. Bruce Schaffer, F. G. Hawksworth, and W. R. Jacobi. Pages: 215-217 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Melampsora Rust in Poplar Plantations Across Southern Ontario. M. Hubbes, R. S. Jeng, and L. Zsuffa. Pages: 217-218 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Correlation Between Resistance in Maize to Local and Systemic Infection by Peronosclerospora sorghi in Thailand. J. M. Bonman, B. L. Renfro, and N. Singburaudom. Pages: 219-220 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

New Diseases and Epidemics

Tobacco Streak, Broad Bean Wilt, Cucumber Mosaic, and Alfalfa Mosaic Viruses Associated with Ring Spot of Ajuga reptans in Australia. D. D. Shukla, K. H. Gough. Pages: 221-224 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Foliar Blight of Ming Aralia Caused by Alternaria panax. R. A. Atilano. Pages: 224-226 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A New Fusarium Wilt of Bitter Gourd in Taiwan. S. K. Sun, J. W. Huang. Pages: 226-227 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Two New Fruit Rots of Ashgourd from India. A. N. Roy, G. Upadhyaya, and R. B. Sharma. Pages: 227-228 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Basal Node Rot of Rice Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Brazil. A. S. Prabhu, I. P. Bedendo. Pages: 228-229 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Bean Pod Mottle Virus: Occurrence in Nebraska and Seed Transmission in Soybeans. M. T. Lin, J. H. Hill. Pages: 230-233 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


The Latest in Plant Pathology and Nematology. Page: 235  VIEW ABSTRACT  |  VIEW ARTICLE


Quality-Control Programs for Seedborne Pathogens. Shu Geng, R. N. Campbell, M. Carter, and F. J. Hills. Pages: 236-242.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Fungicide and Nematicide Update

Current and Potential Use of Disease-Control Chemicals on Citrus Trees. J. O. Whiteside. Page: 244 VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Control of Apple Powdery Mildew in the Mid-Atlantic Region. K. S. Yoder, K. D. Hickey. Pages: 245-248.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE