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Foundation Awardees

2025 awards will be announced as they are confirmed

​Funding opportunities are made possible through the generous donations received from our Foundation Donors​, thank you!​

Books for the World

Helps scientists, educators, extension personnel, and other agriculturalists in developing countries acquire educational materials from APS PRESS. 

French-Monar Latin American Travel Fund

Provides financial support to an APS Student or Early Career Member to attend the 2024 APS Caribbean Division Meeting.

Global Experience Program​

This fund provides support to APS members working with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts. ​

John & Ann Niederhauser Endowment (JANE) International Cooperation Research Fund​

Supports international cooperation related to research on and management of plant diseases between a person or institution in the U.S. and a person or institution outside the U.S. with funding priority to developing economy countries. ​

Plant Pathology Experiential Program

The APS Office of Private Sector Relations (OPSR), with support from APS Foundation, sponsors two Plant Pathology Experiential funds that promote career and research de​​velopment experience and opportunities​ with organizations classified within industry and/or government. 

Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellowship

This fund provides support to plant pathology graduate students for expenses related to their research, equipment, education, and skills development.

Steven C. Nelson Early Career Development Fellowship​

Fellowship​​ provides support of activities that enhance the educational and professional development of APS members how are either MS and PhD students and postdoctoral scholars ​in plant pathology.​​​

Plant Health 2025 Symposia for APS Student and Early Career Members

I.E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium

This fund supports up to five APS Graduate Student members to present at the Melhus student symposium at Plant Health 2025​.

Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium 

This fund supports four APS Early Career members to present in a specific area of plant pathology research in the "Faces of the Future" symposium held at Plant Health 2025.

Plant Health 2025 Travel Awards

Student Travel Funds 
The Named Student Travel Funds support 40 APS Student Members who are presenting to attend Plant Health 2025.

The Indian P​hytopathology​​ Society Student Travel Fund​

​This fund encourages plant pathology students residing in India, who are members of The Indian Phytopathology Society, to attend the APS Annual Meeting or other APS sanctioned meeting if deemed appropriate by IPS and APS Foundation Board.​

International Travel Fund

The Office of International Program International Travel fund provides financial support to scientists holding post-graduate positions in their respective country that are confirmed to present and attend the APS annual meeting. 
​​Previous Foundation Awardees​​​​​​