Accessibility/ADA Compliance
The Renasant Convention Center prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility for all visitors, including those with physical challenges. Our facilities are equipped with elevators providing access to all levels, exterior ramps for wheelchair accessibility, braille signage in elevators and meeting rooms, and accessible restrooms with appropriate fixtures. Moreover, the Center's parking garage features specially marked and reserved parking spaces designated for disabled patrons, ensuring a welcoming and accommodating environment for everyone.
The Renasant Convention Center kindly informs visitors that animals and pets are not allowed on the premises. However, in accordance with the latest version of the ADA, service animals with proper identification are permitted. We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the animal owner to ensure cleanliness and proper care while the animal is on the property. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is greatly appreciated.
Additional Accommodations
- Lactation Room
Details on location at the Renasant Convention Center and sign-ups are coming soon and will be available in the meeting app closer to the meeting dates.
- Quiet Room
A quiet room will be available at the Renasant Convention Center for attendees who need a break or a few minutes of silence during the meeting. More information will be available in the meeting app closer to the meeting dates.