Mission Statement
Discover, disseminate, and apply new knowledge of plant health worldwide to promote the development and adoption of economically and environmentally sustainable practices.
Vision Statement
Healthy plants assure a sustainable future.
Strategic Goals
Goal A: Advancements in plant health science are accelerated through professional collaboration and data sharing.
Goal B: A growing workforce has the skills necessary to ensure sustainable plant health.
Goal C: Our science impacts decisions leading to a sustainable future.
Our Core Purpose and Core Values
Purpose: Advancing the science of plant pathology.
Core Values:
We are curious which drives our passion for science.
We are a diverse group of people and professions, we value everyone's engagement, and we celebrate achievement.
Sustainability is a foundation that brings us together.
We share knowledge.
We value relevant, quality, and high impact science.
Value Statement
APS is a global community of individuals with a shared interest in plant health. Our diversity is represented in our international membership, professional interests, cultural and educational backgrounds, as well as diversity in age, racial, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other social dimensions. This diversity ensures a wealth of perspectives and enhances the quality of our work and interactions. The locations and venues selected for our annual meeting must support this overall experience through state and local laws, policies, and practices.
Overview: Who Belongs to APS?
Members, located in nearly 100 countries, represent a broad section of the scientific community. Members are employed in professional areas such as teaching, research, industry, government, and private consulting, and they may specialize as...
Agricultural Chemists Arborists Bacteriologists Biochemists Botanists Cell Biologists Consultants Diagnosticians Ecologists Entomologists Epidemiologists
| Extension Professionals Farmers/Growers
Foresters Greenhouse Growers Group/Project Leaders Horticulturists
IPM Specialists Microbiologists Molecular Biologists Mycologists Nematologists
| Pathologists
Physiologists Plant Breeders
Private Practitioners Soil Scientists Students Teachers Tech Advisors/Reps
Technical Managers Technicians
Viticulturists Virologists |
Advancing Plant Health Science
publishes journals on fundamental, applied, transdisciplinary, practical, and molecular aspects of phytopathology. APS also manages
Grow: Plant Health Exchange, a freely available, online resource of timely, science-based information on plant health. More than 300
APS PRESS titles on various plant science topics as well as slides and multimedia products provide hands-on tools and references for plant health research and management. New titles are released regularly and are available via the APS online store.
Supporting Plant Health Science
APS leadership works to create greater public awareness and understanding of plant health science, lobby for increased funding of plant health research, and provide needed support to students and researchers worldwide through our various committees.
Learn more.
Keeping the Plant Science Community Connected
APS offers members the opportunities to connect online and through a variety of events throughout the year. Read the
APS News Capsule or
Phytopathology News, and learn more about APS webinars, Plantopia podcasts, APS Annual Meeting and
Professional Development Opportunities
APS provides members with several professional development resources to grow their knowledge and careers in plant pathology and leadership training. Members can
publish manuscripts in our journals, or
author an APS PRESS book in addition to presenting at annual or division meetings. The niche
APS Job Center provides employers and job seekers with the best tools to find the perfect position. Learn more about APS
awards and funding opportunities, leadership training, and
volunteer opportunities.
APS Commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
APS Council members and the
APS Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion remain committed to identifying and exploring meaningful ways to confront racism more effectively within our scientific communities while providing support for our Black colleagues, students, and staff, as well as the communities and families they serve. Initiatives to address these commitments include The Marie and John Sherwood Fund for Underrepresented Minorities in Plant Pathology, the Lafayette Frederick Diversity in Mentoring Fund, and Black Lives Matter Task Force.
Learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
Stay Connected with APS
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