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2000 APS Foundation Awardees

The John M. Barnes Award
Siddavatam Prasad -CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar India

The C. Lee Campbell Award
Stephen Marek -University of California, Davis

The Caribbean Division Award
Caroline Herron -Texas A&M University

The Eddie Echandi Award
Francis Wong -Cornell University

The Zahir Eyal Award
Silvia Pereyra -University of Minnesota

The John F. Fulkerson Award
Alex Cochran -Purdue University

The Joseph P. Fulton Award
Joanna Mirabile -Texas A&M University

The Janell Stevens Johnk Award
Rosemary Cancro -The University of Georgia

The Don E. Mathre Award
Gerald Weiland -University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Luis Sequeira Award
Mohini Patil -Oklahoma State University

The Malcolm C. Shurtleff Award
Paul Esker -Iowa State University

The H. David Thurston Award
Cruz Avila-Adame -Cornell University

The Virology Award
Jeffrey Batten -Texas A&M University

The Harry E. Wheeler Award
Jennifer Flowers -University of Kentucky

APS Council and Foundation Awards
Nikki Charlton -Oklahoma State University
Ka Wan Cheung -The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Emily Gatch -Iowa State University
Teresa Hughes -University of Wisconsin-Madison
Weihong Qi -University of Maine
Dorit Rotenberg -University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jason Smith -University of Minnesota
Ian Thompson -Purdue University
Anna Whitfield -University of Wisconsin-Madison

Past Award Recipients