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Award of Distinction

This award, the highest honor APS​ can bestow, is presented on rare occasions to persons who have made truly exceptional contributions to plant pathology. Nominations for this award may be submitted by any member of the Society. Nominees for the Award of Distinction need not be members of the Society.

View Guidelines and Submit Nomination​


1967 E. C. Stakman
1969 J. C. Walker
1972 J. G. Horsfall
1980 H. H. Flor
1983 A. K​elman
1983 G. A. Zentmyer

1987 R. G. Grogan
1988 M. K. Brakke
1994 R. J. Cook
1994 L. Sequeira
1998 A.K. Vidaver
2006 M. Zaitlin 

2007  N. E. Borlaug
2016  S. E. Lindow
2016  J. Van Etten 
2019  L. Madden​​
2020  J. Leach


​*Please note that all bios linked from this page were published at the time of the received award and may not be current.​