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Chemical options for managing Cytospora canker, a major limiting factor for colorado peach production
Stephan Miller: Colorado State University; Kristen Otto: Colorado State University; David Sterle: Colorado State University; Ioannis Minas: Colorado State University; Jane E. Stewart: Colorado State University
<div>Cytospora canker is a major limiting factor of peach production in Colorado, accounting for 15-20% of production losses annually. Along with pathogen pressure, environmental factors unique to the western slope region of Colorado have exacerbated the problem. Chemical measures are important to growers because few options exist for preventing new infections and management practices have not been standardized. Our specific objectives were to: a) evaluate conventional and organic fungicides efficacy for <i>Cytospora </i>spp., b) test wound sealing with fungicides embedded in paints to develop a preventive approach in existing orchards, and c) monitor spore production and lesion infection size throughout the calendar year. We found Captan and Topsin, combined with 50% Latex paint, were most effective as preventatives for conventional production practices, and Lime Sulfur was most effective for organic production practices. Further, we observed that 50% Latex paint alone or mixed with Captan or Topsin, and Surround mixed with Lime Sulfur, were effective at reducing sporulation on existing cankers, thereby reducing the risk of new infections. Trends in spore production and lesion infection size indicate a decrease in inoculum load and pathogen aggressiveness during months of extreme temperatures. Using these chemical measures and pathogen monitoring methods, future infections within existing orchards can be reduced, increasing orchard longevity.</div>

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