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The National Clean Plant Network.
E. S. RUDYJ (1). (1) USDA, Riverdale, MD, U.S.A.

The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) was established by the Farm Bill of 2008. Members provide high quality plant material free of targeted pathogens that cause economic loss to agriculture. NCPN contributes to the global competitiveness of U.S. specialty crop producers by generating desirable planting stock, increasing yields of healthy, high quality produce, and establishing rigorous standards for clean plant programs. The network is coordinated by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Partners include States, universities, non-profits, and industry. To support NCPN operations, 19 clean plant centers or programs located in 15 States received around $5 million in NCPN funding in FY 2011 for pathogen diagnostics, therapy, and establishing foundation plantings. To date, five specialty crops are fully operational under the NCPN banner: fruit and nut trees; grapes; citrus; berries; and hops. Other specialty crops are also considering program entry. NCPN stakeholders build and operate network governing bodies, identify emerging clean plant issues, and strengthen linkages to allied activities such as nursery certification programs. NCPN has also organized working groups, including clean plant education and outreach to industry.<p><p>Keywords:

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