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​Do you have the desire to publish your passion? Do you want to be the author of a book, CD, DVD, manual, textbook, or perhaps som​ething completely new and different? ​If so, APS PRESS would love to talk with you about turning your idea into reality!​

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publishing with APS PRESS.

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Read what our authors say about their APS PRESS experiences​

​"APS PRESS helped me ​​and my colleagues fulfill our desire to bring something novel to the science of plant pathology. Their skilled expertise in graphics, editing, and marketing was top notch from conception to completion. By publishing with APS, you can obtain a quality product while helping to financially support our society."

Lawrence E. Datnoff, Louisiana State University
Coeditor of Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease, Second Edition​

​"Producing a book with APS PRESS was a great pleasure. Editors, graphic designers, marketing analysts and others engaged with me in genuine dialog toward the common objective of a successful publication. I felt part of a real team effort."

Frank M. Dugan, USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station 
​Author of Identification of Fungi 

"I chose to publish with APS PRESS because no other publisher can reach so many plant pathologists around the world. Their marketing department is the best in the business, and their economical prices ensure that researchers, teachers, and students can actually afford their well-produced and high-quality products."​

​​Laurence V. Madden, Ohio State University
Coauthor of The Study of Plant Disease Epidemics

"I have been very pleased with my association with APS PRESS. They have been very helpful with all aspects of the publication process, and the final result has been very satisfactory. In particular, their emphasis on quality results in an attractive and useful publication. A big advantage of publishing with APS PRESS is their ability to advertise directly to individuals interested in plant pathological and mycological literature, thus enhancing sales."

Richard T. Hanlin, University of Georgia, Georgia Museum of Natural History

Author of Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, 2-volume Set​

