About the Symposium
The Schroth Faces of the Future Fund supports the symposium which is designed to acknowledge up-and-coming researchers shaping the future of their respective scientific discipline. The symposium's featured discipline rotates annually through four broad groups of plant pathogenic agents: Nematology, Mycology, Bacteriology, and Virology. The symposium's featured discipline for 2025 is Virology.
The APS Early Career Professionals Committee will select four APS Early Career members from the submitted applications to present their research and speculate on the future directions of their discipline in a 40-minute presentation during the Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium held at Plant Health 2025.
2025 Symposium Theme: Virology
Uniting Against an Invisible Enemy: Collaborative Strategies for Managing Viral Threats to Plant Health
The 2025 Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium seeks novel perspectives on innovative strategies for enhancing virus diagnostics, exploring genetics and mechanisms of resistance in the context of global viral disease spread, molecular and/or evolutionary aspects of virus-host interactions, utilizing breeding and host resistance techniques, integrated disease management and fostering culture, communication, and global connections to combat plant viral threats worldwide.
We invite applications from a wide range of APS members who are early career professionals working in the field of virology. Deadline to apply: March 20, 2025
FY25 Award Amount: $600 (4)
Presentation: Up to four APS Early Career Members are selected to present their research and speculate on the future directions of their discipline in a 40-minute presentation during the Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium held at the APS annual meeting.
APS Early Career Membership or Professional Membership* is required both at time of application and upon receipt and presentation at the meeting. (APS Student Members are not eligible)
Applications from forward-thinking scientists in the early stages of their careers (*within 10 years of highest degree received) that are perceived to be future leaders in the field are highly encouraged to apply.
Application Requirements
Essay: (maximum one page) outlining the applicant's views on the future of the symposium's identified discipline of Virology.
Curriculum Vitae: maximum 2 pages
Abstract: A copy of the submitted abstract to Plant Health 2025.
Recommendation Letter* (1) Submitted directly by an established scientist using the Letter of Recommendation form. Letter to include an evaluation of the applicant's research and addresses the innovation and impact of the research completed by the applicant has on the discipline and the future of the field. NOTE multiple recommendation letters will not be evaluated.
Save required materials (*except for the Recommendation Letter) into one PDF document prior to submitting your application.
Submit ApplicationSubmit Letter of Recommendation
Applications accepted through: March 20, 2025
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or considered for funding.
Review Selection
Applications are reviewed and final speakers are selected by a subset of reviewers from the Early Career Professionals Committee.
Previous Schroth Awardees