Enhance your scientific content, find solutions to existing problems, discover innovative ideas in your area of research or outreach! Idea Cafés are your opportunity for an in-depth round-table discussion on an area of interest. Meet great minds in plant pathology in an informal setting. One table per topic, located at specified tables at the front entrance area of the Exhibit Hall.
5:00—6:00 p.m.
- Cultural Sensitivities and Culture Shock
Margarita L. Bateman, APHIS
- Family Friendly APS: How Did We Do?
Renee Rioux, Bayer
- Framework for Diagnostic Assay Validation Research
Kitty Cardwell, Oklahoma State University
- Give Me Spots on My Apples: Can Phytopathologists Contribute to the Anti-food Waste Movement?
Lindsey Triplett, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
- Graduate School 101: Everything Someone Applying or
in Their First Year Needs to Know
Carolee Bull, Pennsylvania State University, Alejandra Huerta, Colorado State University
- Next-generation Seed Health Testing: Using DNA Metabarcoding for Crop Seed Microbial Profiling. What are the Challenges and Opportunities?
Rodrigo Pedrozo, Kansas State University
- Science Communication: How Can we Actively Work Toward Bridging the Gap?
Lauri Lutes, Oregon State University
- Seed Chain Challenge—Farmers Ask: “Why can’t you stop plant viruses from invading our fields?”
Amer Fayad, Virginia Tech
- The Phosphite Fungicides—What They Can and Cannot Do
Tim Brenneman, University of Georgia—Athens
- The Potato Blackleg Epidemic
Jianjun (Jay) Hao, University of Maine
9:30—10:30 a.m.
- Disease Management and Outreach Needs for Rapid Adaptation to
Climate Changes and Water Scarcity
Cassandra Swett, University of California Davis
- Effects of Ambient Ozone Pollution on Plant-pathogen Interactions and Food Safety
Al-Sayeed Mashaheet, North Carolina State University
- Endornaviruses—What Are They and What Do They Do To Plants?
Rodrigo A. Valverde, Louisiana State University
- How to Combat Diseases in Organic Agriculture?
Shane Zhou, Texas A&M University
- Imposter Syndrome and You: A Discussion of a Little-Discussed Phenomenon
Michelle Marks and Katelyn Butler, University of Wisconsin—Madison
- Microbial Assemblages: Friends, Foes, and Strangers
Robin Choudhury, University of Florida
- Selling Innovation: How Do We Get Others to Join Us In Thinking Outside the Box?
Renee Rioux, Bayer
- Teaching Biosecurity and Microbial Forensics
Francisco Ochoa Corona, Oklahoma State University
- The Looming Threat of Multiple Fungicide Resistance
Katherine Stevenson, University of Georgia—Athens
- What I Wish I Learned in Grad School
Ana Cristina Fulladolsa and Alejandra Huerta, Colorado State University
- Why Light Matters: Anticipated and Unanticipated Effects of Light on Plant Pathogens
David Gadoury, Cornell University and Mark Rea, RPI Lighting Research Center