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​​​​Plants Get Sick Too! Plant Diseases Idea Starter

Williams, S.D. and M.J. Boehm. 2009. Plants Get Sick Too! Plant Diseases Idea Starter. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-K-2009-0511-01. Updated 2015.

Purpose and BackgroundIdeas for Things To Do​Experiments and Activities

The purpose of the “Plants Get Sick Too!” Idea Starter is just that…to give you ideas of where to start when it comes to plant diseases! This idea starter is aimed at students in grades 6-9, but you may find ideas for all ages. It will give you some background information on plant pathology and help lead you in the right direction of where to look next. You can pick and choose what you would like to do. If you are a stud​ent this is great to help you find experiments for science projects and if you are a teacher you can find good references and activities on basics in plant pathology to teach your class.

Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams
Michael J. Boehm

The Ohio State University