During a sports event like the FIFA World Cup, the grass type of the pitch is probably not on spectators' minds—especially amid nail-biting penalty shoot-outs. However, authentic turfgrass contributes greatly to the sport industry by providing safe playing surfaces for thousands of stadiums and golf courses across the United States. Turfgrass is also one of the top crops by acreage in the country, and the multibillion-dollar turf industry provides nearly 1 million jobs.
On top of economic benefits, turfgrass improves the quality of water, air, and soil.
This significant crop often falls prey to plant pathogens, highlighting the need for up-to-date, science-backed resources to manage turfgrass diseases. Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Fourth Edition, edited by Lane P. Tredway and colleagues, offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of turfgrass diseases in both warm-season and cool-season turfgrass species, their pathogenic causes, and their effective management. The editors' combined experience, which exceeds 100 years, paired with contributions from 23 U.S. scientists and specialists ensures the utmost accuracy. In the new edition of this perennial bestseller, approximately half of the text is new or revised, and more than 200 new, high-quality figures have been added—including disease symptom images, photomicrographs, pathogen drawings, and disease cycle diagrams.
While previous editions focused on diseases of cool-season grasses grown in northern, temperate climates, this fourth edition also emphasizes warm-season turfgrass diseases, which will benefit scientists and practitioners in all climates. The new edition covers approximately 75 diseases and abiotic disorders, with detailed descriptions of characteristic symptoms and causal agents. The cycle and the epidemiology of each disease are described, with emphasis on the conditions that stimulate disease development—helping to prevent disease altogether.
The compendium is organized into four parts: infectious diseases, noninfectious agents, disease management, and disease diagnosis. Topics include turfgrass characteristics, the damage caused by noninfectious agents in the turfgrass ecosystem, the ecology and taxonomy of fungi pathogenic to turfgrasses, research-based integrated management approaches (emphasizing the use of resistant cultivars or species, cultural management practices, and proper timing of fungicide application when necessary), and basic diagnostic procedures.
This new edition also includes an introduction, appendix, glossary, and index. Plus, references sections throughout the book include key sources for further reading on each topic, providing a gateway to the primary literature on turfgrass diseases.
Compendium of Turfgrasses, Fourth Edition, offers a practical and technical reference, blending descriptive terminology with the technical language of plant pathology to accommodate all knowledge levels within the diverse audience of practitioners, academics, and industry workers involved in fine turf. This is a must-have reference for golf course superintendents, lawn care professionals, grounds managers, sports field managers, sod growers, agronomists, turfgrass consultants, educators, turfgrass scientists, plant pathologists, Extension professionals, plant disease diagnosticians, undergraduate/graduate students, postdoctoral research associates, R&D scientist sales representatives, technical representatives, technical managers, brand managers, and turf fertilizer and turf products marketing managers.
If this is you, Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Fourth Edition, belongs on your turf!
APS PRESS thanks the sponsors of this new edition, whose support allows this book to be more affordable to a wide audience.
Order the compendium online at shopapspress.org and save $50.
Book Specifications and Data/For News Media Only
©2023; 8.5" × 11" softcover; 188 pages; 3 pounds; ISBN: 978-0-89054-687-1
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