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​​Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board​

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Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board

The Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board is comprised of the Editors-in-Chief (Ei​Cs) of the “Focus on” editorial boards. The primary mission of this board is to ensure Grow: Plant Health Exchange meets the needs of the APS outreach community and those served by this community. The Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board establishes and maintains and harmonizes the peer review policies, publications policies, schedules, and procedures for Grow: Plant Health Exchange content. Each “Focus on” EiC serves a three-year term and must be a current APS member. EiCs may be invited to serve a second term. EiCs are nominated by the Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board and approved by vote of APS Council.​​

Grow: Plant Health Exchange “Focus on” and “Hub” Editorial Boards

The Grow Plant Health Exchange “Focus on” and “Hub” Editorial Boards consist of an Editor-in-Chief and three to eight subject experts in the “Focus on” commodity (designated as Senior Editors). The goal of these editorial boards is to identify timely, crop-specific topics and align them with qualified scientists who have grant-funded outreach requirements to prepare webcasts that inform the community of science-based strategies for managing plant health in their “Focus on” commodity area. Members of the editorial boards also will serve as peer-reviewers of new webcasts related to their areas of expertise. The senior editors serve three-year terms and must be current members of APS. Each may be invited to serve second terms. The Senior Editors are nominated by the “Focus on” Editor-in-Chief and approved by Grow: Plant Health Exchange Board. 

Staff Liaison

The Strategic Product Development Manager, an APS staff position, will administer for these boards, convening regularly scheduled meetings and working with each of the “Focus on” editorial boards to develop strategic content of importance to the outreach and practitioner community. The strategic product development manager will regularly attend and coordinate attendance of EiCs at APS committee meetings, including: Extension Committee, Industry, Diagnostics, Integrated Plant Disease Management, and Chemical Control​.

Nominees in disciplines outside of plant pathology may receive a waiver of the membership requirement. With deference to APS Council​, the CEO is the business manager and publisher of Grow: Plant Health Exchange. The treasurer is the responsible fiscal officer.​