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Leadership Institute


The Leadership Institute (LI) mission is to foster development of leadership skills among members, and to encourage them to become leaders in their profession and within APS. The LI will develop and coordinate programs and resources for this purpose and will actively mentor APS members to achieve this goal.

Organizational Structure

To carry out its responsibilities, the committee is comprised of the following:

  • Chair (2 year term)*
  • Vice Chair (2 year term)*
  • Past Chair (1 year term immediately following chair​ term as ex officio, non-voting)​*
    *Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair are sequential, for a total 5-year commitment from Vice Chair to Past Chair.
  • 6-8 committee members representative of the society from academia, government, and industry/private sectors. (each serving a 3-year term, but may not serve more than two consecutive terms​).
  • Councilor-at-Large Liaison ​(ex-officio, non-voting)​
  • APS staff liaison (ex-officio, non-voting)

During the chair’s second year of their term, the LI will recommend a vice chair and submit to APS Council for approval. Upon approval, the incoming vice chair will be invited to attend upcoming LI meetings as non-voting until their official term begins.

Prospective candidates to be considered for LI committee members may be nominated by the LI, from the APS general membership, or by self-nomination. Committee m​embers will be formally appointed by a majority vote of the LI.

General responsibilities 

The Leadership Institute will coordinate programs and workshops focused on development of leadership and management skills. Such activity will occur in conjunction with the APS Annual Meeting, and apart from the annual meeting in select online or other resources. The programs should be designed to serve a broad range of the society’s membership. The LI will work with APS headquarters staff and APS Councilors-at-Large to engage new members to increase their awareness of the obligations and benefits of service and leadership on committees and within other activities.

Responsibilities of the Chair

The chair will ​​ensure the establishment of priorities, make individual assignments within the Leadership Institute (LI), and insure follow-through on assignments. The chair will be the primary societal contact for the LI. The chair will represent the LI to the society’s leadership and will work with the society leadership to assure that the Leadership Institute's programs are consistent with the society’s interests. The chair will have primary responsibility for preparing and submitting the APS annual report.

Responsibilities of the Vice Chair

The vice chair will support the efforts of the chair and at times may step in to lead selected initiatives as appropriate. The chair and vice chair will coordinate committee​ meetings and will share responsibilities for drafting reports and other communications from the Leadership Institute.

Responsibilities of the Past Chair

The past chair will provide the chair all past documentation and resources in their possession to continue the Leadership Institute's initiatives. The past chair will participate in meetings and calls as needed to transition ongoing committee initiatives to the new chair. The past chair is a non-voting member.

Responsibilities of the Members

The Leadership Institute (LI) will meet during APS Committee Connections meetings held virtually prior to the APS annual meeting to make programmatic and financial decisions. However, planning, decision-making, and program execution occur on a year-round basis. Members are expected to participate actively in regular LI discussions via electronic means, and to respond in a timely manner to requests for input and information regarding LI activities. Members are encouraged to bring forward new and creative ideas to help meet the mission of the Leadership Institute and may be called upon to assist with coordination and execution of activities associated with the Leadership Institute. Members are also charged with maintaining the highest professional standards of scientific objectivity, dispassion, and ethical conduct.