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APS Public Policy Fellowship Fund

​The APS Public Policy Fellowship Fund was created to support the unique opportunity initiated by the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) by seeking support for a plant pathology fellow to spend several months in Washington D.C. The Public Policy Fellow will work with one or more Federal Agencies to provide expertise on policy activities related to plant and microbial biology, agricultural and life sciences, food safety, and related technology.

This effort was initiated by the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) in 2008, and at the 2011 APS Annual Meeting in Hawaii, the Foundation partnered with PPB to launch a bold $100,000 campaign for this endowment in recognition of the PPB founding members and its 20th anniversary. APS Council also pledged to match t​he first $50,000 in contributions to this fund, and this match was fully achieved.  ​

Learn more about the APS Public Pol​icy Fellowship.​