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Donating Stocks, Securities, and Annuities

The APS Foundation is proud to support the future of plant pathology, and is pleased to offer you a convenient and cost-effective way to support our mission. Consider making a charitable gift of your stocks or securities.

If you have appreciated stocks that you have owned for at least one year, you can contribute them as a gift to the APS Foundation. Giving stock can actually benefit you – you avoid capital gains tax and can deduct the fair market value of your stock at the time of donation. The actual cost to you is the price paid for the stock minus the tax savings obtained by donating. In addition, many people find they can give a larger gift than originally planned by including the appreciation of the stock.

If you would like to take advantage of the savings available by donating your stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, your broker will require instructions in writing. Please inform them​ of the following:



Agent Bank:






For credit to Account #:

881336103 APS Foundation 

It is important to notify the APS Foundation staff of the gift. We will be happy to help you and can provide a sample letter that will outline the above information for your broker. If you have questions or would like assistance, please contact APS VP of Finance​.​​

Thank you for your support and commitment to APS and to plant pathology!