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Impact of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus on sugarcane yield traits in the progenies from four diverse crosses

Sushma Sood: USDA ARS

<div>Yellow leaf caused by <em>Sugarcane yellow leaf virus</em> (SCYLV) is an important disease for sugarcane industries worldwide. Yield losses up to 50% were reported in susceptible varieties. Most commercial cultivars in Florida are infected with SCYLV. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the impact of SCYLV in sugarcane progenies originated from four crosses [CP 80-1827 (susceptible) selfed, Green German (susceptible) × Ind 81-146 (resistant), and reciprocal crosses between two susceptible varieties CP95-1039 and CP88-1762]. These progenies were exposed to the natural infestation of SCYLV vector aphids (<em>Melanaphis sacchari;</em> <em>Rhopalosiphum</em> species) for more than eight years. However, most of the individuals in the four progenies were asymptomatic. Individuals of these progenies were tested for SCYLV infection by tissue blot immunoassay. The impact of SCYLV on sugarcane stalk weight and sucrose content was estimated by evaluating ten random stalks from a seven-foot plot for each individual. Juice was collected and measured only in the individuals of the progeny obtained from the cross between Green German x Ind 81-146. Results showed that 52% of individuals of CP80-1827 selfed progeny were infected with SCYLV after 32 years of the exposure to SCYLV vectors, while only 5-10% individuals in the other crosses were infected after more than eight years of the exposure to the SCYLV vectors. No significant difference was observed in average stalk weight, juice brix, pol and volume between the SCYLV infected and uninfected individuals in all the four progenies. Although previous studies showed an impact of SCYLV on sugarcane yield in Florida, SCYLV had no negative effect on the important parameters of sugarcane production in the progenies of the crosses studied.</div>