Andean landrace G19833 of comon bean is broadly resistant to the common bean rust pathogen
Marcial Pastor-Corrales: Soybean Genomics & Improvement Lab, BARC-West, ARS-USDA
<div>The Andean landrace G19833 was sequenced to obtain the reference genome of common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>). Moreover, a large quantity of sequence and genetic resources has been developed for G19833 including BAC libraries, SNP databases, RNAseq from various tissues, and RIL populations, among others. In addition, G19833 have been reported as resistant to the pathogens causing the widespread and devastating anthracnose, angular leaf spot, and Ascochyta blight diseases. However, little is known about the reaction of G19833 to <em>Uromyces appendiculatus</em>, the pathogen that causes the economically important bean rust disease. This pathogen is known for its extensive virulence diversity comprising Mesoamerican and Andean races. We report here the reaction of G19833 to 20 races, 10 Mesoamerican and 10 Andean, of the rust pathogen, representing the broad virulence of <em>Uromyces appendiculatus</em>. G19833 was resistant to all races used in this study that together overcome all known rust resistance genes of common bean. It is also significant that G19833 was resistant to all 10 Mesoamerican races that rendered susceptible all Mesoamerican rust resistance genes of this crop. Thus, these results demonstrate that G19833 is a very valuable source of resistance for the management of the widespread Mesoamerican but also Andean races of <em>U. appendiculatus</em>. Results regarding the genetics of the broad spectrum of rust resistance in G19833 will be presented.</div>