Successful Control Cases of Bacterial Canker of Kiwifruit in Korea
Young Jin Koh: Sunchon National University
<div>Bacterial canker disease caused by <em>Pseudomonas syringae</em> pv <em>actinidiae</em> (Psa) is the biggest limiting factor in the cultivation and production of kiwifruit in Korea. Bacterial canker caused by Psa biovar 2 designated Psa2 occurred for the first time on the green-fleshed kiwifruit cultivar Hayward in 1988 and the yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cultivar Hort16A in 2006 in Korea. Psa biovar 3 designated Psa3 began to appear in Korea in 2011. Both biovars are now prevailing in almost all of the kiwifruit growing areas in Korea in recent years. Since bacterial canker has been threatening kiwifruit industry enough to destroy whole kiwifruit vines or orchards in one or a few growing seasons, it is urgent to develop effective control procedures of bacterial canker for kiwifruit growers. They might include various management practices such as disease escaping, cultural practices, blocking of dissemination, early diagnosis, eradication of inoculum sources, chemical control, and trunk injection of antibiotics. On the basis of reduplicative trials on control of bacterial canker caused by Psa2 or Pas3 at naturally infected kiwifruit orchards, we successfully defeated bacterial canker using various combinations of the management practices. Such successful control cases of bacterial canker of kiwifruit can be practically utilized at kiwifruit growers’ orchards in order to keep kiwifruit vines healthy in the future.</div>