The infectious process of Colletotrichum lupini, a major threat for lupin crops
Guillaume Dubrulle: Université de Brest, EA 3882, LUBEM, IBSAM, ESIAB
<div><em>Colletotrichum lupini </em>is a species within the <em>Colletotrichum acutatum </em>species complex (CAsc) causing anthracnose, a serious disease affecting lupin crops worldwide. In addition to its economic impact, <em>C. lupini </em>is a useful model to study host speciation process since it is known to infect only lupins. To date, this pathogenic fungus has been poorly described. In this context, our work aims at getting better insight into the genome, the physiology and the infectious process of the fungus. First, based on the recent annotation of two <em>C. lupini</em> reference genomes, we identified specific regions of <em>C. lupini </em>that are absent in the genome of other species from the CAsc. In order to better understand the infectious process of the fungi, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses were performed on <em>C. lupini</em> infected lupin seeds during transition from the biotrophic to the necrotrophic stage. The results allowed us to identify specific pathogenicity gene markers of both stages. The expression of these markers has been further evaluated using a set of <em>C. lupini </em>strains. These results together with the description of the physiology of <em>C. lupini</em> during the first steps of the infection will significantly increase knowledge in host speciation process and ultimately contribute (i) to the early detection of the fungus in the field and (ii) to the development of new resistant lupin varieties.</div>