Development of a non-destructive high-throughput DNA extraction method for pulse seed-borne disease diagnostics and breeding applications
Frankie Crutcher: Montana State University EARC
<div>Pulses are an important rotational crop for Montana crop production. Chickpea, lentil, and pea have replaced fallow in many growing systems, improving sustainability in the region. Pulses use less water, reduce the need for fertilization due to symbiosis with nitrogen fixing rhizobia, and result in improved soil structure and decreased erosion. Montana pulse production increased to more than 1.2M acres in 2016. However, this increase has resulted in a proliferation of pulse diseases, some of which are spread through seed infestation, threatening regional pulse production. Diagnostic laboratories identify seed-borne diseases, in particular those caused by fungi and bacteria, using traditional seed certification methods. These methods require extensive time and manpower, which can increase costs. A rapid seed DNA extraction protocol has been developed to meet the challenges of disease diagnostics in pea, specifically for <em>Ascochyta pisi</em>. This protocol has also been modified for marker screening of germplasm developed by the MSU Pulse Breeding Program for PSbMV resistance. The methods developed from this work will increase marker screening efficiency for the MSU Breeding Program and be used for rapid pathogen identification to decrease certification times, providing growers more planting options.</div>