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An analytical framework for consistent evaluation of pest and disease management technologies

John Mumford: Imperial College London

<div>EMPHASIS is developing a range of technologies for detection and control of agricultural pests and diseases. The Analytical Framework is a spreadsheet-based tool to facilitate consistent evaluation of these technologies under four broad categories of performance indicators: control efficacy; coherence and relevance; economic efficiency; environment and sustainability. There are 30 more specific indicators differentiated within these categories. The Analytical Framework uses a unique method of elicitation to collect and assess information about early-stage and rapidly-developing technologies. At the project level this enables evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of specific technologies. The tool can be used to make comparisons with existing practice and provides a dynamic framework (in an updatable spreadsheet) to link technology descriptions, trials results, user learning and potential commercial plans for the measures. At the individual level the Analytical Framework enables developers to assess their technology against performance indicators, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, so helping the technology progress towards commercialisation and uptake. A Technology Readiness Level tool allows assessment of this progress. Together these tools provide the first step in business planning that combines technological performance, cost and market projections.</div>

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