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The strategic role of dissemination and communication in raising awareness on new IPM practical solutions. The EMPHASIS project.

Alessandro Bertin: Spin-To srl

<div>EMPHASIS is a project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme with 22 partners from 10 different countries. EMPHASIS aims to fight native and alien pest threats throughout a multi-actor approach in order to predict, prevent and protect agriculture and forestry system. This means that EMPHASIS put food security and plant health in the spotlight. The dissemination and communication of scientific messages isn’t an easy task, as the figures generated in labs are difficult to translate into popular formats. We know that that the first communication tool for researchers are scientific papers, but EMPHASIS has to facilitate the transfer of scientific results to enterprises, policy makers, farmers, associations, and to a wide public at large. That’s why, within a dedicated workpackage, traditional and innovative communication instruments work together to engage different stakeholders: from media relations to social media; from a virtual collaborative platform, webinars and summer schools to new outreach formats such as stage shows in theatre. So far these activities have generated 76 articles on the public press, more than 550.000 views on Twitter and 25.000 on Facebook with a potential global reach of more than 170.000 people, building a growing community focussed on Emphasis’ topics. The combination of awareness raising and capacity building aspects allows to use multiple channels to disseminate the project findings and to stimulate new networking linkages.</div>

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