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About Plant Health: developing new strategies for research communication and public engagement

Andrea Masino: Agroinnova - University of Torino

<div>One of the objectives of the European research programmes is to increase awareness of research and innovation activities, supporting the public recognition of researchers. Of course, communication must combine sciences with entertainment, especially when addressing young audience. In the last years, Agroinnova organized many activities concerning communication and dissemination of research results: each with different and specific format. Among others, teaching in local schools and educational visits (<em>Kids and High Schools to College</em>), summer and winter schools, hands-on experiments and science shows (<em>European Researchers Night</em>), workshops and conferences (<em>Piedmont Research Agriculture Innovation</em>, <em>About Plant Health</em>, <em>Sustainable Development Strategies</em>, <em>Designing the Circular Economy, Open Days</em>), artistic performance (<em>EMPHASIS for the Environment, RESPIRO</em>), etc. Agroinnova focused on the following goals: increasing awareness among the public of the importance of research and the role of plant health in environmental protection; linking the kids experiences to discuss topics and improve key messages; better understanding of the key benefits that research brings to society; lowering the stereotypes about researchers and their profession. Through new formats and technologies, plant pathologists can communicate the results of research and learn more about stakeholders’ opinions on how protect the EU agrifood sector from alien and native pests and pathogens.</div>

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