Inhibition of mycelial growth of some fungi associated with diseased mango by Indigenous Bacilli
Naiema Gorashi: Environment, Natural Resources and Desertification Research Institute,
<div>Mango (<em>Mangifera indica </em>L.) is a fruit of tropical and subtropical parts of the world, and it is one of the cash crops in Sudan. The production and hence export is affected by different plant pests and diseases, of which fungi are the main threats. Biological control gains importance over chemical one for healthy and safer production. The objective of this study is to evaluate the inhibitory potential of 9 Sudanese Bacilli against 15 fungi isolated from diseased mango parts. Mango diseased parts were brought to the laboratory and the associated fungi were isolated. The bioactivity of indigenous bacilli against these fungi was evaluated in a dual culture method. 4mm discs of each fungus was placed in the centre of the petri dish and the bacilli under the test were streaked at the periphery of the Petri dish while a streek without bacteria was done to serve as the control. The diameter of the fungi was measured daily and the inhibition was calculated. Significant differences in the sensitivity of fungi exposed to the nine bacilli and the activity of the bacilli were observed. The inhibition percentage for the normal growing fungi ranged from 75.42% for <em>Nattrrassia mangifera </em>exposed to B1, to 49.04% for <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> exposed to B1. For the slow growing fungi, it ranged from 63.30% for <em>Alternaria solani</em> affected by B1, to 40.55% for the same fungus exposed to B2 However, for the very slow growing, it ranged from 40.67% for <em>Fusarium solani</em> exposed to B1, to 24.13% for <em>P. glomerata</em> exposed to B3. The most promising strains were B1, followed by B4 and B5 and so their minimum inhibition concentrations are under consideration and will be followed by molecular identifications for them. This research is considered at its infancy and will be continued. From these three strains at least one will be formulated and commercialized after evaluation under nursery and field conditions.</div>