Bioformulation of Trichoderma harzianum for the management of soil borne plant diseases
Pranab Dutta: Assam Agricultural University
<div><span style="font-family:'Verdana';"><span size="3">Potential native strains of </span><i><span size="3">Trichoderma</span><span><span size="3"> </span></span><span size="3">harzianum </span></i><span><span size="3"> </span></span><span size="3">were isolated from vegetable and tea growing areas of Assam and West Bengal, India. </span><i><span size="3">In vitro</span></i><span size="3"> and </span><i><span size="3">in vivo </span></i><span size="3">assay showed effective result against six (6) soil borne fungal plant pathogens viz., </span><i><span size="3">Rhizoctonia solani</span></i><span size="3">, </span><i><span size="3">Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Sclerotium rolfsii</span></i><span size="3">, </span><i><span size="3">Fusarium oxysporum</span></i><span size="3">, </span><i><span size="3">Colletotrichum capsici</span></i><span size="3"> as well as root knot nematode viz., </span><i><span size="3">Meloidogyne incognita</span></i><span size="3"> causing diseases in vegetables, tea and turmeric. Considering the interest of farming community, protocol for liquid bioformulation (Org-Trichojal) of the potential strain of </span><i><span size="3">T. harzianum</span></i><span size="3"> was standardized with a shelf life of 480 days. Further </span><i><span size="3">in vitro</span></i><span size="3"> and field study showed its potentiality against the above pathogens and also found to act as plant growth promoter. Farmers, extension personnel’s and tea garden managers etc were trained on technical aspects of the bioformulations and its field use. The product Org-Trichojal is now gaining popularlity among the farmers, corporate sectors of Assam, India.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family:'Verdana';"><span size="3"> </span></span></div>