Deciphering how beet necrotic yellow vein virus overcomes rhizomania resistance genes in sugarbeet through metabolome analysis
Kimberly Webb: USDA-ARS, Soil Management and Sugar Beet Research Unit
<div>Rhizomania, caused by <em>Beet necrotic yellow vein virus </em>(BNYVV), is one of the most important diseases of sugarbeet and is distributed in most growing areas of the world. BNYVV can be controlled through single resistance genes. However, BNYVV strains with the ability to overcome the widely used <em>Rz1 </em>gene have been emerging in many production areas. To more fully understand how sugarbeet responds to BNYVV we have utilized a proteomic and metabolomic approach to identify the biological pathways associated with Rhizomania resistance. Earlier proteomic studies demonstrated that a relatively small number of proteins were associated with BNYVV infection and resistance in sugarbeet. We utilized a metabolomics approach to further characterize the functional pathways associated with BNYVV in near isogenic lines containing either the <em>Rz1 </em>or <em>Rz2</em> resistance gene. Plants were grown for three weeks in growth chambers in either healthy soil, soil with traditional BNYVV, or soil containing <em>Rz1 </em>resistance breaking BNYVV (RB-BNYVV). Metabolites were extracted from roots and evaluated by GC-MS and UPLC-MS. There were significant differences among treatments, with primary metabolomic differences associated with strain of BNYVV as compared to healthy (non-infected) sugarbeet. These studies build on the knowledge generated through previous proteomic research, and may lead to identification of targets for genetic modification to break the virus-host interaction.</div>