Diagnosis and molecular diversity of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca isolate from olive trees in Brazil
Nágela Safady: Universidade Federal de São Carlos
<div><span>The bacterium <em>Xylella fastidiosa</em> (XF) is the etiological agent known to infect a hundred of plant species and to cause disease in important crops around the world, including grapevine, citrus, coffee, and stone fruits. Recently in Southeast Brazil, likely in Italy and Argentina, XF was also reported associated with Olive Quick Decline (OQD) disease, causing severe damage in olive trees. So far, few knowledges on XF-olive in Brazil was reported, except that the Sequence Type (ST) 16 of <em>X. fastidiosa</em> subsp. <em>pauca</em> (XFp) was the strain found in symptomatic trees. We are investigating the molecular epidemiology of XFp in olive orchards in Southeast Brazil as well as the genetic diversity of bacterium by MLST and SSR markers. Despite of low incidence of XFp in most of sampled orchards, the pathogen was found spread through a broad geographic area and infecting all commercial olive varieties. Data set from MLST markers confirm the ST16 as the main XF genotype in infected trees. However, the faster evolutionary SSR markers shown that isolates genetically distinct were found through the different areas, with polymorphism in 7 off 12 tested loci. </span></div>