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Characterization of endophytic bacteria with plant growth promotion and biological control potential isolated from Jatropha curcas L., a biofuel plant

Paulo Lacava: Federal University of São Carlos

<div>The Jatropha (<em>Jatropha curcas </em>L.), belongs to the the family of Euphorbia. Is a plant genetically close to the Castor Plant (<em>Ricinus communis </em>l.), coming from Central America and being currently distributed in all tropical regions of the globe. In Brazil, this crop has received special attention as an alternative for the supply of vegetable oil as a raw material for biodiesel manufacturing, due to the biotechnological potential of its seeds. Several studies aimed at climatic adaptations and productivity have been developed on genetic variability of <em>J. curcas</em>; but few studies have been developed focusing on the analysis of the microbial community associated with this species. The interior of the plant is inhabited by endophyte microorganisms, which can be isolated from disinfected surface and do not put on risk the plant tissues of the host plant. This group of microorganisms has the ability to stimulate the growth of plants by direct mechanisms, such as biological fixation of nitrogen, solubilization of inorganic phosphate and indole acetic acid production (IAA) and indirect mechanisms, such as the antagonism towards phytopathogens.</div>

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