FAQs—Terms of Use for Institutional Subscribers
APS PRESS online book packages available.
Librarians: Online subscriptions to APS journals and books are provided on the industry leading platform with I.P. access, COUNTER statistics, and more.
2025 Annual Subscription Rates – Request a price quote for online access to any or all APS Journals.
Phytopathology | Print Subscription (12 Monthly Issues)
Online only
Print + Online
| $1,348 USA $1,524 Elsewhere
Request a price quote for online access. Request a price quote for online access.
Plant Disease | Print Subscription (12 Monthly Issues)
Online only
Print + Online | $1,348 USA $1,524 Elsewhere
Request a price quote for online access.
Request a price quote for online access.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (MPMI) | Open Access, Bimonthly | Please add to your library's discovery index.
PhytoFrontiers | Open Access, Quarterly
| Please add to your library's discovery index.
Phytobiomes Journal | Open Access, Quarterly
| Please add to your library's discovery index.
Crop Protection Collection, formerly Plant Management Network | Online only with access to the
Plant Health Progress Journal including all
Plant Disease Management Reports.
| $3,617 per site Crop Protection Extension Alliance libraries
$2,260 per site Other doctoral-granting university libraries (Includes PDMR and PHP)
$1,130 per site Other postsecondary academic libraries (Includes PDMR and PHP)
Corporate/Government Institutions Request a price quote for online access. |
Plant Health Progress | Online only, Quarterly (access to the
Plant Health Progress Journal including all
Plant Disease Management Reports).
| $1,500 per site
Important information about: Delivery, Access, Formats, and Terms of Use.
- For information about the scope and content of each APS journal, click on the name of the journal above.
- All APS print journals are shipped through your post office (if shipping within USA), or they are rushed to international customers via expedited mail (if shipping outside the USA).
- Claims must be received within 6 months of issue date; please contact us here. Include your subscriber account number (if you have it); complete company name and address; what journal, volume, and issue(s) you are missing; and your contact information with your inquiry. Note: Print issues are out of print after 12 months.
- Online access to APS print journals is available to print subscribers for an additional cost.
- APS online journal subscribers receive online “e-Xtras,” including extra color, extra illustrations, and more.
- Online access for institutions is administered via I.P. address recognition.
- APS online journals require no formal license agreements. This allows the Society to make its subscription content as broadly available as possible within subscribing institutions. Simply complete a
Price Quote Form and adhere to the “Terms of Use.” For more information about usage privileges with “Online Access” to the APS core journals, go to
Terms of Use & FAQs.
- For additional subscription information, contact APS
by email.
APS Journals Customer Care
For questions about subscriptions, electronic access, and back issues:
The American Phytopathological Society
3285 Northwood Circle, Suite 100
St. Paul, Minnesota, 55121
United States of America
Fax: +1.651.454.0766
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