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Review of large-scale field trials in potatoes.
T. A. ZITTER (1). (1) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.

Vydate C-LV (oxamyl, a carbamate) is widely recognized for the control of nematodes and insects. In potato evidence exists for nematode control with a concomitant increase in tuber yield. A special Local Need 24(c) was granted to upstate potato growers for the in-furrow use of the product in 2008. Vydate has unique systemic characteristics, such that when applied to the soil it is absorbed and translocated upward, and when applied to above ground tissue it moves downward into the root system for plant protection. Little attention has been directed to any side benefits that may accrue when Vydate is applied at-planting for its effects on soilborne pathogens. Field studies conducted in 2008 and 2009 using Chieftain (widely adapted) and Andover (vulnerable to stress) addressed the effects that in-furrow (1X) and subsequent lower canopy spray of Vydate C-LV (2X) would have on overall tuber appearance and the occurrence of black dot (BD), black scurf (BS), silver scurf (SS), and common scab (CS). Enhanced yields were noted with the Vydate treatments for both varieties in 2008 and for Andover in 2009. Significant improvement in tuber appearance was noted in both varieties in both seasons with either 1X or 2X applications. BD occurrence on both tubers and stems was markedly reduced for both varieties in both seasons, and especially so for Andover. Similar trends were noted for reduced occurrence of tuberborne BS and SS, and less so for CS.<p><p>Keywords:

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