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​​​​Early Career Membership*​

Your Benefits Include:

*APS defines Early Career status individuals working professionally, includ​ing those in a post doctorate position, and within 5 years​ of graduating with a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree. Early Career membership status is available for a total of 5 years.

Beco​me a Member 


Questions? Contact APS Member Services, 1.800.481.2698 (in U.S.), +1.651.454.7250, or fill out the contact form​​

Membership with APS is transferable upon request due to unexpected events, such as a job change, grant funding restrictions, etc. Transfer of membership to another individual includes the remainder of current term’s membership benefits. To find out more about transferring your membership please contact APS member services at +1.651.454.7250 or contact us​.​