Acceptance of oral presentation submissions will be limited to the first 145, so you are encouraged to submit oral presentation abstracts early. No individual may be the presenter of more than one oral presentation. Posters are open to anyone and no limit to the number of poster submissions. Remember to fully edit and proof your abstract before submitting. Early submissions are encouraged to avoid delays on the last day.
- Abstracts must report results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relates to phytopathology and the related industry.
- Abstracts must include the following elements: justification, objectives, methods, results, and significance of the research to the science of phytopathology.
- Abstracts must not be simply a review or progress report, but must contain useful and new information. Abstracts must not include references or footnotes.
- Abstracts must be in final form with no grammatical, typographical, or factual errors.
- No abstract that has been presented or is intended to be presented at another meeting shall be submitted for consideration.
- Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the annual meeting by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.