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Overview of occurrence and incidence of plant virus diseases in crop fields in Korea during 2012-2016

Mikyeong Kim: National Institute of Agricultural Science

<div>Plant viruses infect various horticultural and agricultural crops, in which they induce severe symptoms causing decrease of desired quality or yield. In Korea, more than one hundred of plant viruses have been reported since the first identification of Rice strip virus in 1966. During 2012-2016, we examined occurrence and incidence of plant virus diseases in major crops in Korea by investigating the total number of 5,256 samples showing virus-like. Virus diagnosis was performed by electron microscopy, RT-PCR, large scale oligonucleotide (LSON) chip analysis, next generation sequencing (NGS), and biological tests. The numbers of virus species detected from the investigated samples were 19 species in 2012, 34 species in 2013, 39 species in 2014, 33 species in 2015, and 27 species in 2016. The numbers of virus species detected from the investigated samples were total 64 species for 5 years. The newly recorded viruses were <em>Turnip yellow mosaic virus</em> (TYMV) in 2012, <em>Tomato chlorosis virus</em> (ToCV), <em>Plantago asiatica mosaic virus</em> (PlAMV), <em>Butterbur mosaic virus</em> (ButMV),<em> Sweet potato virus</em> C (SPVC), <em>Sweet potato virus</em> 2 (SPV2), <em>Sweet potato symptomless virus</em> 1 (SPSMV-1) and <em>Sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus</em> (SPCFV) in 2013, and <em>Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus</em> (CSNV), <em>Euphorbia leaf curl virus</em> (EuLCV), <em>East Asia Passiflora virus</em> (EAPV), <em>Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus</em> (CABYV) in 2014, and <em>Citrus leaf blotch virus</em> (CLBV) in 2015. In total, 64 virus species were detected from crop fields in Korea during last five years. Top 10 viruses that were most frequently detected were <em>Cucumber mosaic virus</em> (CMV), CABYV, <em>Tomato yellow leaf curl virus</em> (TYLCV), <em>Watermelon mosaic virus</em> (WMV), <em>Broad bean wilt virus</em> 2 (BBWV2), <em>Tomato spotted wilted virus</em> (TSWV), TYMV, ToCV, <em>Beet western yellows virus</em> (BWYV), and <em>Lily mosaic virus</em> (LMoV).</div>