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Phytopathology March, 1970
Volume 60, Number 3

American Phytopathological Society Board & Staff.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Forrest Cook Strong, 1896-1965. Page 397. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Miriam Carpenter Strong, 1889-1969. Page 398. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Transmission of Oat Blue Dwarf Virus by the Aster Leafhopper Following Natural Acquisition or Inoculation. E. E. Banttari, R. J. Zeyen. Pages 399-402. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Soil Conditions and Distribution of Pathogens in Relation to Pea Root Rot in Wisconsin Soils. D. W. Burke, D. J. Hagedorn, and J. E. Mitchell. Pages 403-406. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Relation of Crop Maturity and Physiology to Air Pollution Incited Bronzing of Phaseolus vulgaris. Jerry H. Haas. Pages 407-410. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Nematicidal Control of Heterodera tabacum. P. M. Miller, G. S. Taylor. Pages 411-414. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Production, Purification, and Bioassay of Tentoxin. Sami M. Saad, John M. Halloin, and Donald J. Hagedorn. Pages 415-418. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Discrepancies in the Intracellular Behavior of Three Strains of Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Two of which are Serologically Indistinguishable. A. L. Granett, T. A. Shalla. Pages 419-425. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Relation of Tobacco Mosaic Virus X-Protein to Amorphous Cellular Inclusions (X-Bodies). A. L. Granett, T. A. Shalla. Pages 426-430. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Growth Response of Sclerotium rolfsii to the Herbicide EPTC in Liquid Culture and Soil. R. Rodriguez- Kabana, E. A. Curl, and J. L. Peeples. Pages 431-436. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Evidence for Soil Transmission of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus. W. P. Bond, T. P. Pirone. Pages 437-440. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effectiveness of Specific Genes and Gene Combinations in Conferring Resistance to Races of Xanthomonas malvacearum in Upland Cotton. K. M. El-Zik, L. S. Bird. Pages 441-447. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effect of Root-knot Nematode-Fungi Combinations on Cotton Seedling Disease. Jean Cauquil, Raymond L. Shepherd. Pages 448-451. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Influence of the Retention of Immature Apple Mummies by Certain Cultivars on the Overwintering of Physalospora obtusa. J. Holmes, A. E. Rich. Pages 452-453. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Composition of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus from Prunus avium. J. H. Tremaine. Pages 454-456. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Factors Influencing the Hatching of Meloidogyne naasi, and a Comparison with M. hapla. T. R. Watson, B. F. Lownsbery. Pages 457-460. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Some Effects of Moderate Adult Resistance to Crown Rust of Oats. Allen S. Heagle, M. B. Moore. Pages 461-466. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Victorin-Induced Changes of Peroxidase Isoenzymes in Oats. Anton Novacky, Harry Wheeler. Pages 467-471. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Infection of Shell and Peg Tissues of Six Peanut Cultivars by Pratylenchus brachyurus. N. A. Minton, R. O. Hammons, and S. A. Parham. Pages 472-474. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Transport of the Systemic Fungicide, Benomyl, in Bean Plants. Carol A. Peterson, L. V. Edgington. Pages 475-478. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Induction of Chlamydospore Formation in Fusarium solani by Soil Bacteria. E. J. Ford, A. H. Gold, and W. C. Snyder. Pages 479-484. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Nitrogen Deficiency Disease of Sugarcane Probably Caused by Repeated Pesticide Applications. H. D. Dubey. Pages 485-487. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Differential Enzyme Synthesis by Haploid and Diploid Forms of Verticillium albo-atrum. C. R. Howell. Pages 488-490. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Activity of Juniper Diffusates on Spores of Phomopsis juniperovora. Ronald W. Pero, Frank L. Howard. Pages 491-495. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Wilt of Chrysanthemum Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. chrysanthemi, forma specialis nov.. G. M. Armstrong, Joanne K. Armstrong, and R. H. Littrell. Pages 496-498. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Mycoplasmalike Bodies in Sieve Tubes of Pear Trees Affected with Pear Decline. Hiroyuki Hibino, Henry Schneider. Pages 499-501. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Nonutilization of Beta-Glucosides for Growth by Fluorescent Pseudomonads. J. J. Joubert, D. C. Hildebrand, and M. N. Schroth. Pages 502-505. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum from Central and South America: A Comparative Study. E. R. French, L. Sequeira. Pages 506-512. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Relationship of Nitrogen, Crude Fiber, Ether-Soluble Substances, and Mineral Nutrients to Cell Death in Corn Cob Parenchyma Tissue. J. N. BeMiller, D. C. Johnson, and A. J. Pappelis. Pages 513-517. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effects of Soybean Mosaic Virus and/or Bean Pod Mottle Virus Infection on Soybean Nodulation. J. C. Tu, R. E. Ford, and S. S. Quiniones. Pages 518-523. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ultrastructural Formation of Sclerotia of Macrophomina phaseoli. T. D. Wyllie, M. F. Brown. Pages 524-528. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Relative Survival Ability of Pathogenic Types of Puccinia striiformis in Mixtures. J. F. Brown, E. L. Sharp. Pages 529-533. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Symptom Development and Resistance in Safflower Hypocotyls to Phytophthora drechsleri. Lowell B. Johnson. Pages 534-537. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ultrastructure of Microsclerotia of Verticillium albo-atrum. M. F. Brown, T. D. Wyllie. Pages 538-542. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Transmission of Aphelenchoides besseyi to Ficus elastica Leaves via Sporobolus poiretii Inflorescences. Robert B. Marlatt. Pages 543-544. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Fumigation of Fruits with 2-Aminobutane to Control Certain Postharvest Diseases. J. W. Eckert, M. J. Kolbezen. Pages 545-550. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Quantitative Method for the Isolation of Pythium ultimum from Soil. M. E. Stanghellini, J. G. Hancock. Pages 551-552. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Growth Inhibition, Peroxidase and 3-Indoleacetic Acid Oxidase Activity, and Ethylene Production in Cowpea Mosaic Virus-Infected Cowpea Seedlings. B. E. Lockhart, J. S. Semancik. Pages 553-554. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Wound Periderm Formation in Larix laricina in response to Arceuthobium pusillum. F. H. Tainter. Pages 555-556. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Survival of Erwinia rubrifaciens in Soil. Norman W. Schaad, E. E. Wilson. Pages 557-558. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Critical Requirements for Genetic Expression of Verticillium Wilt Tolerance in Acala Cotton. Jerry R. Barrow. Pages 559-560. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Comparative Activity of Dexon and Terrazole against Phytophthora and Pythium. J. E. Wheeler, R. B. Hine, and A. M. Boyle. Pages 561-562. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Picloram-Induced Increase of Carbohydrate Exudation from Corn Seedlings. Ming- tan Lai, G. Semeniuk. Pages 563-564. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Production of Amines Similar to Victoxinine by Helminthosporium carbonum. R. B. Pringle, R. P. Scheffer. Pages 565-566. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Use of a Streptomycin-Dependent Escherichia coli Strain for the Quantitative Determination of Streptomycin Residues in Fruit. D. C. Sands, M. N. Schroth. Pages 567-568. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Local Lesion Host for Strain E of the Sugarcane Mosaic Virus. Jack L. Dean. Pages 569-570. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE