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National Plant Diagnostic Network

The APS Public Policy Board (PPB) is very supportive of the efforts of the USDA National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) and has worked with agency representatives and legislators to ensure the continuation of this critical network.

APS continued its efforts to raise the awareness of the critical need for NPDN funding to Congress during its recent visit to DC.
Whitepaper 2012

Now Your Action Is Needed

The Public Policy Board requests your help in saving the National Plant Diagnostic Network. As many of you learned at the PPB Booth in Hawaii, becoming engaged and contacting your congressional representatives is easy. Please take a moment to read this Call to Action and then let Congress know how vital the NPDN is to our Nation's well-being by contacting your state senators and representatives with the corresponding links on this page. 
NPDN Call to Action, August 2011

Additional background material for reference regarding the NPDN funding issue:

Communicating with Congress

Consider these additional practical tips for communicating with congress provided by PPB.

Get Engaged! Contact Your Legislators

Help Save the National Plant Diagnostic Network