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APS Pacific Division Officer History

​APS Pacific Presidents serve three years as an officer. Lineage is first year as President-Elect, the following year as President, and the last year as Past President.   ​



Term Start

Term End


David Gent President 08/06/15​​
Juliet Marshall President 07/12/14 08/05/15
Judith Brown President 06/20/13 071114
Themis J. Michailides President 06/30/12 06/19/13
Debra Inglis President 08/11/11 06/29/12
Jay Pscheidt President 06/24/10 08/10/11
Walter F. Mahaffee President 08/06/09 06/23/10
Dennis A. Johnson President 06/28/08 08/05/09
Walter D. Gubler President 08/02/07 06/27/08
Lyndon D. Porter President 06/17/06 08/01/07
Barry J. Jacobsen President 07/02/05 06/16/06
Mary W. Olsen President 08/05/04 07/01/05
Heather J. Scheck President 06/25/03 08/04/04
James E. Adaskaveg President 06/25/02 06/25/03
Melodie Putnam President 08/30/01 06/24/02
Natalie P. Goldberg President 03/25/00 08/29/01
Philip B. Hamm President 08/11/99 06/20/00
Peggy A. Mauk President 11/12/98 08/10/99


Soumaila Sanogo Secretary-Treasurer 06/20/13 08/05/15
Akif Eskalen Secretary-Treasurer 08/11/11 06/19/13
Juliet M. Marshall Secretary-Treasurer 06/28/08 08/10/11
Chang-Lin Xiao Secretary-Treasurer 06/17/06 06/27/08
Michael A. Yoshimura Secretary-Treasurer 08/05/04 06/16/06
Peter R. Bristow Secretary-Treasurer 03/25/00 08/04/04
Walter D. Gubler Secretary-Treasurer 11/12/98 06/20/00

Divisional Forum Representative/Councilor

Jay Pscheidt

Divisional Forum Representative

08/09/12 08/05/15
James E. Adaskaveg Divisional Forum Representative 08/06/09 08/08/12
Melodie Putnam Councilor of the Pacific Division 09/05/06 08/05/09
Gary G. Grove Councilor of the Pacific Division 06/25/03 08/02/06
Michael E. Matheron Councilor of the Pacific Division 08/17/00 06/25/03
Gary A. Chastagner Councilor of the Pacific Division 10/01/97 08/16/00
Ellen M. Bentley Newsletter Editor 07/02/05 06/16/06
Ellen M. Bentley Newsletter Editor 08/30/01 06/25/03
Carolee T. Bull Newsletter Editor 11/12/98 08/29/01

 Click here for a full listing of APS Pacific Division Officers 1914-2010