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First Report of Powdery Mildew of Platanus occidentalis Caused by Erysiphe platani in Korea

June 2013 , Volume 97 , Number  6
Pages  843.1 - 843.1

Y. J. La, Plant Clinic, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea; and S. E. Cho and H. D. Shin, Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea

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Accepted for publication 6 January 2013.

Platanus occidentalis L., called American sycamore or American plane, is native to North America. The trees are commonly planted throughout the world on the sides of roads and in parks. In June 2012, diseased leaves exhibiting signs of powdery mildew from a park in Daegu City of Korea were sent to Plant Clinic of Seoul National University for diagnosis. Our observations in Daegu City during September and October 2012 showed that nearly 99% of the approximately 1,000 trees surveyed were infected with a powdery mildew. Voucher specimens (n = 6) were deposited at the Korea University Herbarium (KUS). Symptoms were characterized by chlorosis, distortion, or cupping of young leaves. White superficial colonies developed amphigenously on leaves. Hyphae were flexuous to straight, branched, septate, 4 to 7 μm wide, and had lobed appressoria. Conidiophores were 120 to 350 × 5 to 7.5 μm and produced conidia singly. Foot-cells of conidiophores were straight, cylindric, and 115 to 200 μm long. Conidia were hyaline, ellipsoid-ovoid, measured 33 to 47.5 × 17.5 to 29 μm with a length/width ratio of 1.5 to 2.0, lacked distinct fibrosin bodies, and showed reticulate wrinkling of the outer walls. Germ tubes were produced on the subterminal position of conidia. No chasmothecia were observed. The structures and measurements were compatible with those of the anamorphic state of Erysiphe platani (Howe) U. Braun & S. Takam. (1). To confirm the identification, the complete internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA from isolate KUS-F26959 was amplified with nested PCR and sequenced. The resulting sequence of 625 bp was deposited in GenBank (Accession No. JX997805). A GenBank BLAST search of this sequence showed only one base substitution with the four sequences (JQ365940 to JQ365943) of E. platani on Platanus spp. Pathogenicity was confirmed through inoculation tests by gently pressing diseased leaves onto young leaves of three 2-year-old disease-free seedlings. Three non-inoculated plants were used as control. Plants were maintained in a greenhouse at 24 to 30°C. Inoculated leaves developed symptoms after 7 days, whereas the control plants remained symptomless. The fungus present on the inoculated leaves was morphologically identical to that observed on the original diseased leaves, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Since E. platani first was recorded in the United States in 1874, it has been regarded as endemic in North America. From the second half of the 20th century, introduction and expansion of the range of this fungus to South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, and Asia have been reported (1,2). To our knowledge, this is the first report of E. platani infections of P. occidentalis in Korea. This species was recorded on P.× hispanica from Japan in 1999 (4) and on P. orientalis from China in 2006 (3), suggesting invasive spread of the sycamore powdery mildew in East Asia. Since American sycamores are widely planted in Korea, control measures should be made to prevent further spread of the disease.

References: (1) U. Braun and R. T. A. Cook. Taxonomic Manual of the Erysiphales (Powdery Mildews), CBS Biodiversity Series No.11. CBS, Utrecht, 2012. (2) D. F. Farr and A. Y. Rossman. Fungal Databases. Syst. Mycol. Microbiol. Lab., Online publication, ARS, USDA, Retrieved October 22, 2012. (3) C. Liang et al. Plant Pathol. 57:375, 2008. (4) S, Tanda. J. Agric. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Agric. 43:253, 1999.

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