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Virulence of Rhizoctonia oryzae on Wheat and Barley Cultivars from the Pacific Northwest

January 2003 , Volume 87 , Number  1
Pages  51 - 55

T. C. Paulitz , USDA-ARS, Root Disease and Biological Control Lab ; and J. D. Smith and K. K. Kidwell , Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-6420

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Accepted for publication 25 August 2002.

Rhizoctonia oryzae (teleomorph = Waitea circinata) causes sheath spot of rice and root rot of wheat and barley. R. oryzae commonly is isolated from barley, wheat, and pea plants in eastern Washington and Idaho. Eight representative isolates were tested for virulence on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Baronesse), soft white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Madsen), and hard red spring wheat (cv. Scarlet) planted in natural soil in the greenhouse and maintained at 16°C. All isolates caused significant reduction of emergence in barley, but only seven of the eight isolates and one of the eight isolates reduced emergence of winter wheat and spring wheat, respectively. All isolates caused significant stunting and reduction in the number of seminal roots, root length, and number of root tips on wheat and barley. Some isolates also reduced the frequency of fine secondary roots, resulting in a reduction of the average root diameter. Spring barley was more susceptible to R. oryzae than winter or spring wheat. The main effects of both cultivar and isolate were significant, and there was a significant isolate-cultivar interaction. R. oryzae isolate 80042 was the most virulent on barley, whereas R. oryzae isolate 801387 was the most virulent on wheat. The two isolates from pea were intermediate in virulence on wheat and barley. When screening germ plasm for potential resistance, isolates exhibiting the maximum virulence for each host should be used.

Additional keywords: Hordeum vulgare, Rhizoctonia root rot, Triticum aestivum, Waitea circinata

The American Phytopathological Society, 2003