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Mycosphaerella dearnessii, a Needle-cast Pathogen on Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo) in Italy

August 2000 , Volume 84 , Number  8
Pages  922.1 - 922.1

N. La Porta , Dipartimento di Risorse Naturali e Ambiente, Istituto Agrario S. Michele a/Adige, I-38010 Italy ; P. Capretti , Istituto di Patologia e Zoologia Forestale e Agraria, Università di Firenze, I-50144, Italy

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Accepted for publication 8 May 2000.

The pathogen Mycosphaerella dearnessii Barr. (syn. Scirrhia acicola; anamorph Lecanosticta acicola), the causal agent of brown spot needle blight, was observed on Pinus mugo in the Botanical Garden in Gardone (Brescia), on the western side of Garda Lake in northeastern Italy. Symptoms were first noticed in the spring of 1997 by Klaus Lang (University of Freising, Germany). Two years later, all 12 of the P. mugo present in the Garden exhibited extensive necrosis, and defoliation of the crown starting from the bottom upward was more prevalent on the shaded portion of infected trees. The trees were about 50 years old and 2.0 to 2.5 m in height. Symptomatic needles were confined to the 2- and 3-year old internodes. Infected needles had several dark to purplish-brown spots surrounded by green tissue and usually had dead tips. Pycnidia and conidia of Lecanosticta acicola were observed. Conidia were 4-celled, curved, pointed at one end and blunt at the other, pale olive-brown and 20 to 30 × 3 to 4 μm. The fungus was isolated in pure culture. The pathogen causes serious losses in China, eastern United States, and central and South America, but was observed for the first time in Europe only 30 years ago. It is a major cause of needle blight on several European pine species, especially P. sylvestris, P. nigra, and P. mugo. In the last 7 years, there have been reports of the fungus in pine stands, first in France, Aquitaine, and the western Pyrenees on P. radiata (3), and more recently on P. mugo in the Alps in Austria (1), Switzerland (2), and southern Germany (4). This record of the fungus near Lake Garda poses a new serious threat especially for the pine plantations of P. nigra and P. sylvestris in the more humid locations in the Alps, Apennines, and elsewhere in the mountains of southern Europe where the climatic conditions are similar to that of central Europe. This is the first report of M. dearnessii on the southern slopes of the Alps and in Italy.

References: (1) M. Brandstetter and T. Cech. Oesterreichische Forstzeitung 110:35, 1999. (2) O. Holdenrieder and T. N. Sieber. Eur. J. For. Pathol. 25:293, 1995. (3) A. Levy and C. Lafaurie. Phytoma 463:33, 1994. (4) L. Pehl L. Nachrichtenbl. Dtsch. Pflanzenschutzdienstes 47:305, 1995.

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