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Identification of a New Resistance Gene to a Chinese Blast Fungus Isolate in the Japanese Rice Cultivar Aichi Asahi

August 1998 , Volume 88 , Number  8
Pages  822 - 827

Nagao Hayashi , Ikuo Ando , and Tokio Imbe

First and second authors: Department of Plant Protection and Department of Crop Breeding, National Agriculture Research Center, Kannondai 3-3-1, Tsukuba 305-8666, Japan; and third author: International Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines

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Accepted for publication 23 April 1998.

Genetic analysis of the rice cultivar Aichi Asahi and some other Japanese cultivars for the high resistance to the blast fungus isolate CHNOS58-3-1 from China was performed. All the Japanese differential cultivars were resistant to the isolate except for ‘Pi No. 4’, which showed moderate resistance. Analysis of the F2 population of a cross of the susceptible cultivar Reiho and the resistant cultivar Aichi Asahi indicated that the resistance of ‘Aichi Asahi’ to the isolate was conferred by one dominant gene. To identify the gene in other Japanese differential cultivars, AK lines, which were derived from a cross of ‘Aichi Asahi’ × ‘K59’ and assumed to harbor no known genes except for the new one, were used for the allelism tests. The new, completely dominant resistance gene was detected in 14 differential cultivars, but not in ‘Pi No. 4’, ‘Yashiro-mochi’, and ‘K1’, and was designated as Pi19(t). Pi19(t) was allelic or closely linked to Pita2 on chromosome 12. Pi19(t) was extensively distributed among Japanese traditional local cultivars.

Additional keywords: japonica , Oryza sativa , Pyricularia oryzae .

© 1998 The American Phytopathological Society