A Healthy Future for Plant Health
Francisco Reifschneider: EMBRAPA
<div><span lang="PT-BR" style="font-family:'Arial';">A more globalized world and advances in science and technology have opened up amazing opportunities for agricultural innovation, development and growth, not without significant and striking social, economic and environmental challenges to all in this highly asymmetric world. Pursuing the unknowable and responding to old and emerging plant health challenges in an environment with a new, different, fluid, and evolving architecture need to go hand in hand. Scientific and technological breakthroughs in different areas, from artificial intelligence to robotics to UAVs, help shape modern Plant Health and its experts, with new and exciting opportunities in both private and public sectors. There are and there will continuously be many challenges, but perhaps the speed of change itself, and its implication on just about everything, is the greatest challenge we all face in this no-time-to-stop-and-think, disruptive era. Can we, as experts, and Plant Health, as an integrative, transdisciplinary science, benefit from all these changes and continue to contribute to the well-being of individuals at local and global scales? Several examples suggest that we will continue to see positive impacts, but that we will need to be able, eager and prepared to handle these fast moving changes in Plant Health´s future winding road.</span></div>
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