Understanding the function of a novel Gr29D09 effector family from the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis in host defense suppression
Athena Yi-Chun Yeh: School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University
<div>Potato cyst nematodes (PCNs) <em>Globodera rostochiensis</em> and <em>G. pallida</em> are among the most devastating pests of potatoes causing substantial yield losses worldwide. To enable successful infection, PCNs secrete a repertoire of effector proteins into root cells, which are subsequently transformed into a complex feeding structure that sustains nematode growth. The 29D09 effector family, which contains multiple members, is present in both <em>Globodera</em> and <em>Heterodera</em> spp. cyst nematode species. Our previous study showed that Gr29D09 effectors from <em>G. rostochiensis</em> play an important role in host defense suppression. Using affinity purification of protein complexes extracted from nematode-infected potato roots overexpressing the Gr29D09-GFP fusion protein followed by mass spectrometry analysis, we obtained a list of candidate host interacting proteins including hexokinase 7 (StHXK7). Furthermore, both co-immunoprecipitation and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays demonstrated that Gr29D09 effectors can interact with StHXK7 <em>in planta</em>. Interestingly, a subset of <em>HXK</em> and <em>HXK-like</em> genes were found to be upregulated in PCN-infected potato roots as well as in <em>Heterodera schachtii</em> (sugar beet cyst nematode)-infected <em>Arabidopsis</em> roots. We are currently using the <em>Arabidopsis</em>-<em>H. schachtii</em> pathosystem to further investigate the defense pathways that may be regulated by the 29D09 effector family.</div>
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