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Global efforts to control potato cyst nematodes
Louise-Marie Dandurand: University of Idaho
<div><span>In today’s globalized world, intensified international trade has increased the risk of an introduction of noxious pests, including the economically important potato cyst nematodes (PCN). Native to South America, PCN are some of the most specialized nematode pests in agriculture. PCN are limited in host range to potato and a few other solanaceous crops, and are well adapted to survive in soil for many years. The cyst, the remnants of the body wall of the female, contains 200-500 eggs which remain dormant until stimulated to hatch by root exudates from its host. Infestation retards plant growth, and as a result yield can be decreased by up to 80%. In the US, stringent adherence to phytosanitary programs have contained <i>Globodera rostochiensis</i> to eight counties in New York, fewer than 6,000 acres, despite its documented presence since 1941. The infestation of <i>Globodera pallida</i>, first found only in Idaho in 2006, continues to be contained to fewer than 3,000 acres which is less than 1% of the total acreage planted to potato in Idaho. Trade of potato from the US and from Idaho, originally interrupted by the detection of <i>G. pallida</i>, has resumed with Canada, Mexico and South Korea, whereas negotiations to resume export of potato from Idaho to Japan are ongoing. The use of containment and quarantine methods, plant resistance, soil fumigation, and alternatives to fumigation in the United States, and elsewhere in the world against potato cyst nematodes will be discussed. </span><p> </div>

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