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Epidemiology and distribution of bacterial leaf streak of corn caused by Xanthomonas vasicola
Terra Hartman: University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jim Harbour: University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Brad Tharnish: University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Julie Van Meter: Nebraska Department of Agriculture; Tamra Jackson-Ziems: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
<div>In 2016, <i>Xanthomonas vasicola</i>, causal agent of bacterial leaf streak, was confirmed in Nebraska corn fields, the first detection in the United States. In 23 countries around the world, <i>X. vasicola</i> is known to cause disease on a wide range of hosts, most notably gumming disease of sugarcane. In 2016, a survey was conducted, primarily in Nebraska, to determine the distribution of the pathogen and to learn about agricultural practices that may favor disease development. To gather survey data, farmers, crop consultants, and other agribusiness cooperators were queried about their cropping practices. They were also asked to submit symptomatic leaf samples for pathogen isolation. A total of 409 samples and surveys were returned for analyses. <i>X. vasicola</i> was confirmed by PCR on bacterial colonies isolated from samples submitted from 51 Nebraska counties. Survey responses are being analyzed with classification and regression tree (CART) and the random forest algorithm. Results of virulence tests conducted on additional plant species will also be presented.</div>

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