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Phytophthora tentaculata Prioritized Host range study for restoration nursery producers: CA native plants and woody perennials
K. SUSLOW (1), W. Schweigkofler (2), K. Kosta (3), T. Pastalka (2), S. Sharma (2). (1) National Ornamental Research Site @ Dominican University Program Manager, San Rafael, CA, U.S.A.; (2) NORS-DUC, San Rafael, CA, U.S.A.; (3) CDFA, Sacramento, CA, U.S.A.

A more thorough understanding of the host range of <i>Phytophthora tentaculata</i> is an essential component to help inform restoration practitioners on risk reduction practices and the types of high-risk plants to avoid growing and planting. A prioritized list of the primary types of CA native plants being propagated to incorporate into restoration projects was selected. Input from native plant nurseries, resource conservation districts and consultants established this list for host range research at the National Ornamental Research Site at Dominican University of CA (NORS-DUC). To date, seven key species have been tested. Of this group, only the known host, <i>Mimulus aurantiacus</i>, was found to be susceptible.  This expanding knowledge base will aid producers in their selection of mitigation measures to reduce the risk of introducing the pathogen into their operations and the potentially serious consequences of out-planting infected stock into the native habitat.

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