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Using Immunology and LC-MS/MS to Simultaneously Detect Multiple Mycotoxins in Food and Feed
P. LI (1), Z. Zhang (1), Q. Zhang (1). (1) Oil Crops Research Institute of CAAS, Wuhan, China

        Multiple mycotoxins with strong carcinogenesis and toxicity are fatal threats in food and feed safety, and require highly sensitive and high-throughput detections greatly. Rapid immunoassay and arbitration detection methods play a critical role on two sides of one coin. For rapid tests, a series of high specific and high affinity monoclonal antibody, recombinant antibody, and nanobody against AFB1, OTA, and ZEA, etc, were developed as the key recognition reagents. Based on these specific antibodies, simultaneous detection for multiplexed mycotoxins was studied by using the Au (or Europium)-based lateral flow strip and non-fouling antigen microarray. The LOD was lowered to pg mL<sup>-1</sup> level (0.3 pg mL<sup>-1</sup>) in food and feed samples. On the other hand, simultaneous arbitration detection method based on LC-MS/MS was investigated. Either multiple immunoaffinity column or SPE was used in the sample extraction. The internal standard allowed precise determination of mycotoxins regardless of matrices. Multiplexed mycotoxins (AFB1, B2, G1, G2, OTA, ZEA, and T-2 toxin) were successfully identified by using a novel multi-immunoaffinity column in a single run. Furthermore, a promising proposal was suggested to achieve the rapid, sensitive, ultra high-throughput detection of 96-384 contaminants in food and feed, including biotoxins, pesticides, veterinary drugs, etc., based on immunochemiluminescence biosensors using Hadamard transformation imaging (iHT).

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