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The Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program and a Potential Relationship to Future Plant Disease Control Efforts
P. M. BRANNEN (1), L. A. Fall (2). (1) University of Georgia, Athens, GA, U.S.A.; (2) University of Georgia, Byron, GA, U.S.A.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently overseeing the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP), and at least 15 commonly utilized fungicides are on the Tier 1 screening list. Those that are found to impact any aspect of the endocrine system will be advanced to Tier 2 screening, which may result in further limitations of use or even cancellations of registrations. The Tier 1 list includes fungicides such as captan, chlorothalonil, flutolanil, fosetyl-Al, iprodione, metalaxyl, myclobutanil, propiconazole, tebuconazole, thiophanate-methyl, triadimefon, triflumizole, triphenyltin hydroxide, vinclozolin, and ziram; these compounds are respresentative of several FRAC chemical groups to include acylalanines (4), chloronitriles (M5), dicarboximides (2), dithiocarbamates (M3), ethyl phosphonates (33), phthalimides (M4), phenyl-benzamides (7), thiophanates (1), triazoles (3), and triphenyltins (30). Tier 2 screening can be predicted for several because of documented associations with endocrine disruption. Many of these fungicides are integral components in resistance-management programs due to low or moderate risk of resistance development in target fungi. Cancellation or additional use limits for these fungicides will increase resistance pressure for the remaining fungicide classes and may therefore pose negative long-term implications for disease management; in addition, secondary pathogens may emerge, as many of these are broad-spectrum fungicides.

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