Physiological benefits of seed treatments P. R. d. C. CASTRO (1). (1) University of Sao Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, Brazil
Seed treatments are a very important tendency adopted by agrochemicals enterprises because they are more safety for the producers, provide economic use of the products, lower agrochemical volume and better distribution homogeneity over the seed. Some agrochemicals could act on the plant cultivar changing the gene expression promoting repression or manifestation of certain genes, inducing protein synthesis. This should promote hormonal action, and this effect could produce new proteins, more enzymatic activity and better ion transport through the cell membranes. The appearance of new proteins is the support of biochemical changes on metabolism. Increases on enzymatic activity could promote functional modifications on plant physiology increasing plant productivity. In soybean and dry bean, seed treatment with thiamethoxam increases biometric parameters, vigor, shoot and root development, enzymatic activity and some nutrients absorption. The combination of gibberellic acid, indolebutyric acid and kinetin was efficient to increase seed germination, vigor, root development and production of soybean, dry bean, rice, peanut, sorghum and wheat. Biological tests with tomato ‘Micro-Tom’ were realized to better elucidate the interactions among the combinations of the bioregulators. Treatments with the combination of one, two or three bioregulators showed effect on tomato production only for the combination of three. View Presentation |